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Providence, Rhode Island, United States

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Got a plumbing problem? Call Jenny...

Remember that Tommy Tutone song in the 80s? Of course you do. Do you also remember that infamous phone number and how you always wondered if you called that number, it would be a working one?

I discovered this pen at work. Looks like your average message revealing window pen for any average business, doesnt it?

Well, the entire world can now put thier minds at ease, cause "867-5309" is a working number in RI!

Id like to hope that since they are clever enough to select this phone number, cause in all honesty, WHO can not remember this phone number, that they would also be clever enough to only higher women named jenny, atleast any personnel that would be answering the phones. Now THAT would be clever.

Now go get your toilets fixed!

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