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Providence, Rhode Island, United States

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Pick ups

Boy sets fire- "This Crying, This Screaming, My Voice is Being Born"-Magic Bullet Records-Nathans Gray Vinyl/???
Hostage Calm- "Please Remain Calm- Run For Cover Records-Blue Green/300
Diamond youth- "Orange"- Topshelf Records- Translucent Orange/300
Diamond youth- "Don't Lose Your Cool"- Black Numbers- Mocha/300 (First Press)

Picked up an old classic and some new shit.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Vintage Kit pt. 2

Just making references to more things I have seen/taken from C&C. Although posting about a red kit before, these are mainly dedicated to grains, vaneers and stains. Randomly collected pictures.

stain reference (blood red)





Pick ups

O Pioneers!!!- "Neon Creeps"- Kiss Of Death Records- Ghastly Greenish Blue/124 (1st press)
O Pioneers!!!- "Black Mambas"- Underground Communique Rec.- Gray/420 w/ the "Black Metal" screen printed cover(remaining quantities have 2 or 3 different screen printed cover variants. Vinyl itself is one consistent color limited to 550 in total)
Superdrag- "Regretfully Yours"- Side One Dummy- Black 180g/1000
Say Anything- "In Defense Of The Genre" 2xLP- Shop Radio Cast- Gold/500
Nightmare of You/Nightmares For A Week 7"- Paper + Plastic Records- black/orange swirl/325

O Pioneers!!! is a new band I just discovered while looking up similar artists on Last.FM to put in a listing title to sell a record. Checked it out and I dig it. Although from Texas they have a chaotic thrashy abrasive melodic punk vibe to them but in a Gainsville FL No Idea records way. Getting compaired to Against me and early Hot Water Music. Should be some good summer records Sadly, I missed the boat and they have been broken up for a year or two. I had a fun time purchasing these records. They were a small time DIY punk band. Pretty much all their release are strictly distroed through other small time DIY punk labels. After checking numerous websites I finally found a label who was carrying it, they also has first press copies(always cool) priced the most right you can get for $8. After shooting the shit with the guy from Underground Communique via email he had actually did some leg work for me and told me Reckless Records(a chain of 3 connected stores in the Chicago area) had a copy of "Black Mambas" used for $4.99 and thats how I got that one! There was something about the whole experience that brought me back to how things "used to be". Cheap records, friendly people, visting labels site I have never heard of that look like they were made with Geocities, carrying other labels records who are friends, getting in your order with a bunch of flyers and shit you didnt even ask for or order, just everything about it was awesome.

Superdrag LP after being delayed for MONTHS finally arrives! I think i ordered it in October/November, due in January sometime, delayed till mid February but its here!