SO, im really going to try this time. I kinda put my big dreams away, and although knowing the whole time that im going to have to just go the cheap route, im finally okay with that haha. Beggers cannot be choosers!
heres what im looking at:
14x8 10ply snare
mini tube lugs. standard rack mount. floor mounts drilled onto the shell. 2.3mm hoops, except on snare, id get diecast. black kick drum hoops,with my wrap color inlayed on the hoop.
VERY standard other than the fact that im getting tube lugs, but come on! Standard lug options are always so ugly, thats why they are standard!
now, looking through C & C pictures on their gallery and myspace and thinking of some cool combinations, I figure if im getting a hook up, the less work I make them do, the better. So im going with a straight shot, one color everything. no stripes, no nadda.
i decided on Paua Orange 02. I LIKE IT! Even though it is SLIGHTLY hideous, but thats what I like about it. Its different. Which a lot of the time is why I can appreciate things.
I found a snare on their site and basically this is what my snare will look like. though this is a 7 inch snare rather than an 8.

Will I even obtain this fine drum kit you ask? Well, I really dont know. I hope so, but you can hope in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first, so...
Im going to talk to dustin probably tomorrow. See what we can make happen. Maybe even call C & C myself, with a contact and see what can be done for a price.
Wish me luck!
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