Fairweather reunion show, what can I really say? The culmination of 8 years in maybe an hour. I sang my voice raw, shook my body sweaty and head banged my neck sore. It was probably the best time that I have had at a show in a VERY long time. This show meant so much to me. A band I loved then, a band I still love today.
Its a bit sad to think about when I stop to do so for a minute. In most "reunion" type fashions this show seemed to be a celebration for a rebirth, but was more of a celebration to an end. I've waited so long and I finally got what I wanted. I ask myself, now what? Although you can never be too sure, this will most likely never happen ever again in the rest of our life times. The process of learning to deal with that is slow. However I am so thankful that I got to be apart of this. Considering so many probably couldn't.
If any of you do read this, Shane, Pete, Jay. It was more than amazing to see all of you again, playing my most favorite songs that at the age of 15 shaped who I was and influenced me tenfold musically. You gave me power, solace and most importantly, friendship. I am more than pleased to know you as people and be able to feel so close to something that at the beginning, never thought I would be.
Now heres a video of Soundtrack To the Ride as I make an appearance at 1:11
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