Theres a story to go with this one, sort of. Some time last year a friend sent me a link to an art related website, I think, maybe I found it actually. I also dont remember what the topic we were speaking about was which even lead to this discovery. Anyway, while I was browsing this webiste I came across a picture that I really dug hard. I dubbed it "Cereal Head". I said to her, and myself, "I WILL OWN CEREAL HEAD, YOU WATCH!"
A year later I still had the website bookmarked. A year later I FINALLY decided to take initiative and see what I could do about obtaining "Cereal Head".
This website was of a young artist who lives in Oslo, Norway by the name of Taylor White. I sent her an email asking if it was at all possible for me to get a print made up and how much it would be to do so for the size that I had wanted. Even without any sort of real organized "ordering system" for ordering prints she was still nice enough to email me back with the best and cheapest way to do so with different paper options that I could choose from. A few days later the money was sent and a lot later(ha, due to my paper choice not being in for some time) the print was in my hands!
Here is Cereal Head: 18x24 with a hand made mat that I had to do at work.
I cannot tell you how much I am in love with it. From the first time I saw it, I HAD to have it. Knowing that I had plans to move soon and finally for the first time have a kitchen to call my own. This is the perfect touch. Im very excited to hang it and stare as I enjoy my morning coffee. The colors are so bright and awesome that on spring and summer days Im going to have no choice but smile every time I see it. SO awesome!
Taylor White, if you do infact see this. THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN!
If you are at all interested PLEASE look at her website, or check out her Behance to see any of her other work. I definitely like a few other things that in time I might considering picking up.
please tell me this is going in our kitchen.
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