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Providence, Rhode Island, United States

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wedding Fever!

Its only been 2009 for one month and already people are getting wedding fever!!

Jesse and Jim have decided to get married! The wedding date I THINK is February 27th. I should probably actually figure that out for sure haha, but either way, SOMETHING is going on THAT day. Im very excited for them and this wedding!

Juston and Lauren also decided to finally set a date for their wedding. January 17th 2010. I think its the 17th,maybe its the 12th, why am I SO bad with this!? I guess its why they make save the date cards, for assholes like me to remember! They have been engaged for a long time and its great to finally see them get to the wedding! Florida here I come!

Jeremy and Kristine are also getting married and not to purposely highlight them, its just that Kristine and him have sent me the most information for me to photograph at this moment.

May 17th 2009! Im excited!

It has NOTHING to do with weddings, since Luke and Julie have been married for like a year or 2 but the Taylors just had a baby! Jack is out, its intense!

So yeah, congratulations to everyone on their awesome news and major life commitments. Im pumped for you all and hope everything from here on out rules!

Makes me wonder what the hell IM doing! I'll have my turn, I hope!

This is also a huge reminder for me to go out and get a fucking suit. Ive been meaning to for a long time now. I want more than one! Id like a Grey one like my man Frank is wearing below this blog, a black one, a blue one & a white one...yes, I said WHITE. Bill Wheaton, if youre reading this, Ive told you im coming to see you soon at your place of employment. Hook me up man!


me said...

man if you wear a suit to our wedding, you'll be the only one. it's TOTALLY casual! no expensive invitations, not nothing. it IS the 2th though, so make sure you're around!

-RG said...

organize your thoughts and information BEFORE you type it all out and hit "publish"

you need to kiss a girl before you marry one.
hooters. fuck it if i cant eat anything there, BOOBS man, BOOBS.

me said...

AHHH i mean 27TH. 2 7. oy.