Monday, November 25, 2013
Modern Guilt
So over the course of last winter thru spring and into summer I got together with an old friend and a few new ones. We started working on what eventually became this EP.
It feels good to finally get new music out there. Its been just shy of 4 years since The Fortune Healers recorded the "Hey Providence" EP. Though we had written and been playing new material since then. None of it was actually recorded and released. The Fortune Healers also as of now are broken up. I am sure it will possibly continue on one day but whether I will be drumming in it I cannont say.
In the wake of the break up of one band comes new life from another. It's having its stress as you learn to work with new people but overall I feel really passionate about this current project. Its sort of coming together well in sound without much effort and I think we are making some really great songs. Finally I am getting to play a style of music I have always wanted to since I was 16 when I discovered what "emotional music" was and picked up some drum sticks.
If you dig mid 90s emo as well as 2000s era Vagrant Records mixed with early day Death Cab For Cutie and a tab bit of 90s alternative such as Nada Surf and Superdrag, you may just dig this. its up for FREE on our Band Camp page.
modern guilt,
Taller Friends
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Owen Collection
I have decided to stop doing record posts other than posting collections that I have, which isn't many. For a long while I had gone stagnant and it was simply due to lack of things to post about. Since I had gotten a record player again I took that as a new thing to run with. As time went on it got a little time consuming doing weekly, to then monthly posts. I also didn't want to become annoying to peers. I figure it's time to move on to something else since my time is becoming less and less available. I feel that I have a good amount of posts up to where I could possibly help someone who is looking for information on something or to maybe make a new friend with a common interest. It was fun while it lasted!
Here is my Owen collection at its peak. I say "peak" because I plan to thin it out a little bit. Sometimes space and money need to be freed and gained. I have also chosen to not pick up the vinyl version of "The Seaside EP". So that sort of blows the whole deal anyway.
1. Owen- "Owen"-Polyvinyl Rec.-180g Black w/ Yellow Labels/???(1st press)
2. Owen- The Rutabega Split 12"-Polyvinyl Rec.-180g Black/???(1st press to vinyl)
3. Owen- "No Good For No One Now"-Polyvinyl Rec.-180g Black/???(1st press)
4. Owen- "The ep"-Mi Amante Records(Euro)-Black/400
5. Owen- "The ep"-Polyvinyl Rec.-180g Black/???
6. Owen- "I Do Percieve"-Polyvinyl Rec.-180g Black/???(1st press)
7. Owen- "At Home With Owen"-Polyvinyl Rec.-180g Black/???(1st press)
8. Owen- "New Leaves"-Polyvinyl Rec.-Grey marble/700
9. Owen- "Ghost Town"-Polyvinyl Rec.-180g Clear/800
10. Owen- "L'Ami du Peuple"-Polyvinyl Rec.-180g Red/1000
11. Owen- Joan of Arc/Make Believe/Love of Everything Split 2x7"- "The Association of Utopian Hologram Swallowers"-Polyvinyl Rec.-Black/???(1st Press)
12- Owen- "Abandoned Bridges 7"-Polyvinyl Rec.-White/1000
13- Owen- City On Film Split 7"-Red Cars Go Faster Rec.-White/250(1st press)
14- Owen- "O'Evelyn 7"-Polyvinyl Rec.-Black/2000
15. The One Up Downstairs- S/T 7"-Polyvinyl Rec.-black/??? (Kinsella pre-American Football)
Now I say "1st press" on everything since I know that I had purchased it upon the time of its release. Whether or not Polyvinyl chose to keep the Black vinyl stocked is unknown to me. The only factor I can come by which would lead to the assuption that they kept either some or all releases stocked is there are photos on Dead Format of Owens Self Titled release with yellow labels and with white labels. My copy does not have white labels, it has the yellow. So I am guessing there was more pressed after the first initial pressing and either intentionally or the minor detail was left out to keep the labels the same as before.
I also want to say that all releases had a standard first pressing number of 1000. Polyvinyl seems to do that for their releases.
Owen/Rutabega Split was originally released as a CD on Backroads Records to be re-issued by Polyvinyl in 2004 also as a CD. Vinyl version released by Polyvinyl in 2009.
If you were unaware Polyvinyl has recently re-pressed all of the Owen catalog on colored vinyl. If you never got around to buying some albums or you'd like to upgrade to some color. You may do so now. All colors limited to 300. You can also do a vinyl package deal where you can grab 3 LPs for $34. Not sure if the color copies fall into that or not but its a way to save a couple bucks.
"The Association of Utopian Hologram Swallowers" 2x7" has also been re-pressed on color. Unsure of the numbers of that.
I am also including these 2 American Football releases to round off everything Mike.
1. American Football- "American Football EP"-Polyvinyl Rec.-180g Black/???(1 sided 12")
2. American Football- "Self-Titled"-Polyvinyl Rec.-Green/500 (1st press)
EP finally released on vinyl in 2008 after being a part of the Polyvinyl CD Singles Series in 1998.
S/T Full Length first press limited to 1000 split between Green and Blue vinyl. Now available on Black.
Hope this helps and you've enjoyed reading. Feel free to offer input on something im lacking or if I am incorrect on something!
Here is my Owen collection at its peak. I say "peak" because I plan to thin it out a little bit. Sometimes space and money need to be freed and gained. I have also chosen to not pick up the vinyl version of "The Seaside EP". So that sort of blows the whole deal anyway.
1. Owen- "Owen"-Polyvinyl Rec.-180g Black w/ Yellow Labels/???(1st press)
2. Owen- The Rutabega Split 12"-Polyvinyl Rec.-180g Black/???(1st press to vinyl)
3. Owen- "No Good For No One Now"-Polyvinyl Rec.-180g Black/???(1st press)
4. Owen- "The ep"-Mi Amante Records(Euro)-Black/400
5. Owen- "The ep"-Polyvinyl Rec.-180g Black/???
6. Owen- "I Do Percieve"-Polyvinyl Rec.-180g Black/???(1st press)
7. Owen- "At Home With Owen"-Polyvinyl Rec.-180g Black/???(1st press)
8. Owen- "New Leaves"-Polyvinyl Rec.-Grey marble/700
9. Owen- "Ghost Town"-Polyvinyl Rec.-180g Clear/800
10. Owen- "L'Ami du Peuple"-Polyvinyl Rec.-180g Red/1000
11. Owen- Joan of Arc/Make Believe/Love of Everything Split 2x7"- "The Association of Utopian Hologram Swallowers"-Polyvinyl Rec.-Black/???(1st Press)
12- Owen- "Abandoned Bridges 7"-Polyvinyl Rec.-White/1000
13- Owen- City On Film Split 7"-Red Cars Go Faster Rec.-White/250(1st press)
14- Owen- "O'Evelyn 7"-Polyvinyl Rec.-Black/2000
15. The One Up Downstairs- S/T 7"-Polyvinyl Rec.-black/??? (Kinsella pre-American Football)
Now I say "1st press" on everything since I know that I had purchased it upon the time of its release. Whether or not Polyvinyl chose to keep the Black vinyl stocked is unknown to me. The only factor I can come by which would lead to the assuption that they kept either some or all releases stocked is there are photos on Dead Format of Owens Self Titled release with yellow labels and with white labels. My copy does not have white labels, it has the yellow. So I am guessing there was more pressed after the first initial pressing and either intentionally or the minor detail was left out to keep the labels the same as before.
I also want to say that all releases had a standard first pressing number of 1000. Polyvinyl seems to do that for their releases.
Owen/Rutabega Split was originally released as a CD on Backroads Records to be re-issued by Polyvinyl in 2004 also as a CD. Vinyl version released by Polyvinyl in 2009.
If you were unaware Polyvinyl has recently re-pressed all of the Owen catalog on colored vinyl. If you never got around to buying some albums or you'd like to upgrade to some color. You may do so now. All colors limited to 300. You can also do a vinyl package deal where you can grab 3 LPs for $34. Not sure if the color copies fall into that or not but its a way to save a couple bucks.
"The Association of Utopian Hologram Swallowers" 2x7" has also been re-pressed on color. Unsure of the numbers of that.
I am also including these 2 American Football releases to round off everything Mike.
1. American Football- "American Football EP"-Polyvinyl Rec.-180g Black/???(1 sided 12")
2. American Football- "Self-Titled"-Polyvinyl Rec.-Green/500 (1st press)
EP finally released on vinyl in 2008 after being a part of the Polyvinyl CD Singles Series in 1998.
S/T Full Length first press limited to 1000 split between Green and Blue vinyl. Now available on Black.
Hope this helps and you've enjoyed reading. Feel free to offer input on something im lacking or if I am incorrect on something!
american football,
mike kinsella,
polyvinyl records,
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Pick ups
Boy sets fire- "This Crying, This Screaming, My Voice is Being Born"-Magic Bullet Records-Nathans Gray Vinyl/???
Hostage Calm- "Please Remain Calm- Run For Cover Records-Blue Green/300
Diamond youth- "Orange"- Topshelf Records- Translucent Orange/300
Diamond youth- "Don't Lose Your Cool"- Black Numbers- Mocha/300 (First Press)
Picked up an old classic and some new shit.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Vintage Kit pt. 2
Just making references to more things I have seen/taken from C&C. Although posting about a red kit before, these are mainly dedicated to grains, vaneers and stains. Randomly collected pictures.

stain reference (blood red)





stain reference (blood red)


Pick ups
O Pioneers!!!- "Neon Creeps"- Kiss Of Death Records- Ghastly Greenish Blue/124 (1st press)
O Pioneers!!!- "Black Mambas"- Underground Communique Rec.- Gray/420 w/ the "Black Metal" screen printed cover(remaining quantities have 2 or 3 different screen printed cover variants. Vinyl itself is one consistent color limited to 550 in total)
Superdrag- "Regretfully Yours"- Side One Dummy- Black 180g/1000
Say Anything- "In Defense Of The Genre" 2xLP- Shop Radio Cast- Gold/500
Nightmare of You/Nightmares For A Week 7"- Paper + Plastic Records- black/orange swirl/325
O Pioneers!!! is a new band I just discovered while looking up similar artists on Last.FM to put in a listing title to sell a record. Checked it out and I dig it. Although from Texas they have a chaotic thrashy abrasive melodic punk vibe to them but in a Gainsville FL No Idea records way. Getting compaired to Against me and early Hot Water Music. Should be some good summer records Sadly, I missed the boat and they have been broken up for a year or two. I had a fun time purchasing these records. They were a small time DIY punk band. Pretty much all their release are strictly distroed through other small time DIY punk labels. After checking numerous websites I finally found a label who was carrying it, they also has first press copies(always cool) priced the most right you can get for $8. After shooting the shit with the guy from Underground Communique via email he had actually did some leg work for me and told me Reckless Records(a chain of 3 connected stores in the Chicago area) had a copy of "Black Mambas" used for $4.99 and thats how I got that one! There was something about the whole experience that brought me back to how things "used to be". Cheap records, friendly people, visting labels site I have never heard of that look like they were made with Geocities, carrying other labels records who are friends, getting in your order with a bunch of flyers and shit you didnt even ask for or order, just everything about it was awesome.
Superdrag LP after being delayed for MONTHS finally arrives! I think i ordered it in October/November, due in January sometime, delayed till mid February but its here!
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Pick ups
Piebald- "We Are The Only Friends We Have"- Big Wheel Recreaction- Mint Green Marble/???
The Menzingers- "On The Impossible Past"- Epitaph Records- Black/???
Pedro the lion- "Its Hard To Find A Friend"- Jade Tree- Black/??? (2012 reissue/Re-master)
Tigers Jaw- "Self Titled"- Run For Cover Records- starburst/200
Finally got in the Pedro LP. After a mix up at the local shop and havnig re-order it finally arrives! Hence why it wasnt posted with Achilles and Control way back in November.
Ended up picking up the new Menzingers LP at the show a week or so ago. I've been hearing the name and i figured id check them out since they were coming to town with Hot Water Music. Checked it out, didnt dig it. Saw them at the show and really liked it! Turns out what I checked out was their latest acoustic demo LP that was just pressed to vinyl(these demos came as a cassette in a bundle if your ordered the new LP from Epitaph). So low and behold I wasnt surprised that I didnt enjoy it at first, who ever likes acoustic demos?
VERY pleased with Piebald and finally getting the Tigers Jaw LP for a good price.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Pick ups
1. Fairweather- "Lusitania"- Enjoy The Ride Records- Clear green & Blue/200 (ETR exclusive)
2. Panic at The Disco- "Pretty Odd"- Fueled By Ramen- Black/2500 (2nd press w/out the bells and whistles)
3. The Honorary Title- "Scream & Light Up The Sky"- Doghouse Records- Black/500
4. Kind Of Like Spitting- "Nothing Makes Sense Without It"- Slowdance Records- Black/???
VERY happy with all of these. Lusitania 10 years later finally sees a vinyl release. Came out great too. My favorite is the C side, the blue splatter looks so cool, has a lot of depth.
Panic at the disco was a impulse save for later buy. Not many(even though tons) people enjoy the band or atleast this record. I think mainly it was cause "a fever you cant sweat out" got re-released and I some how couldn't get a hold of it. So I said "if i cant get the other, i wil get this one". I did spin the record a lot at the time of its release. Some what enjoyable. Side A is pretty consistent, falls off on side B excluding the last song "mad as rabbits". Not sure how long I'll hold onto it.
The Honorary title LP was one I purchased along the Panic at the disco LP. It was also a bit of a whim pick up. I haven't listened to the record in a few years but remember enjoying it at the time despite falling off. Justifiable reason for really grabbing it was remembering the song "far more" was fantastic. Boy am I glad I grabbed it. I'm in love with it now.
Words cannot really express how thrilled I am to have picked up this KOLS release. Saw one go for a bit of money recently and since I am an Ebay fiend and am constantly searching on a daily basis(i know, shocking, right? im sure you had no idea...) I happen to come across this one for a buy it now $10-$13 cheaper than what I had seen another copy go for not even a week ago. Only 1 more release to go and I have all the LP versions of the releases I really enjoy from Ben.(i am choosing to not hunt out 2 others).
Saturday, January 12, 2013
The Casket Lottery Complete Collection
In March of last year I had posted what was my "Complete" Casket Lottery Collection. Although at the time that was 99% true. Since then they have put out 3 new releases(one 7", a split 7" & a LP) and I have also picked up an overlooked comp. 7". So as of right now, it is the most up to date and done its going to get! The photo I had posted before kind of sucked and to be honest it feels this one isnt that good either but I have added a bunch more photos with a little more detail. Enjoy!
Casket Lottery/Reflector Tour 7"
1. The Casket Lottery/Small Brown Bike 10"- Second Nature- Clear/500
2. The Casket Lottery- Possiblies And Maybes Double LP- Second Nature/Status- White/495
3. The Casket Lottery- Smoke And Mirrors- Second Nature- Clear/picture disc/520
4. The Casket Lottery- Survival Is For Cowards- Second Nature- Light Orange/100
5. The Casket Lottery- Real Fear- No Sleep Records- Translucent Light Blue/300
6. The Casket Lottery- Moving Mountains- Second Natue- Clear/white swirl/100
7. The Casket Lottery- Choose Bronze- Second Nature- White/110
8. The Casket Lottery- The Door 7"- No Sleep Records- seafoam green/300
9. The Casket Lottery/Touché Amorè 7"- No Sleep Records- transparent pink/500
10. Nathan Ellis- S/T 7"- No Sleep Records- opaque blue/300
11. The Casket Lottery- Quarters Volume 2- Atarms Mechanics- Clear Blue/???
12. The Casket Lottery/Hot Water Music 7"- Second Nature- Pink/253
13. The Casket Lottery/Waxwing 7"- Second Nature- Purple/211( Numbered #1369)
14. The Casket Lottery/Reflector 7"- Undecided Records- black/
15. The Casket Lottery/Reflector 7"- unknown- black/50 (Casket Lottery/Reflector "tour" version)
16. The Casket Lottery- Lost At Sea 7"- Status- brown/white marble/250
Thats it! I have incluced the Nathan Ellis 7" just to round things out. If anything, the only thing thats missing here is the project Nathan has done called Jackie Carol. Not positive if the "Check Check" release ever made it to vinyl. Thanks for looking!
Moving Mountains/Choose Bronze
Survival is For Cowards/Possiblies and Maybes
SBB Split 10"/Smoke and Mirrors/Real Fear
Casket Lottery/Reflector Tour 7"
Here is the A/B-Front cover/back cover. Stamped/letterpressed labels
Close up of the labels and back cover tab
Casket Lottery/Waxwing 7"
(no idea to the significance of the numbering on the back of the Waxwing split. I've seen copies un-numbered and have seen another purple copy with numbering. At the time of this post back in March I had thought maybe it was just the purples but I have recently seen a copy on blue that was numbered. I asked Dan Second Nature if he knew of any tour/show versions and he himself could not remember or did not know. If you have any knowledge please comment or message/email me. Id like to update and put it in here if possible.)1. The Casket Lottery/Small Brown Bike 10"- Second Nature- Clear/500
2. The Casket Lottery- Possiblies And Maybes Double LP- Second Nature/Status- White/495
3. The Casket Lottery- Smoke And Mirrors- Second Nature- Clear/picture disc/520
4. The Casket Lottery- Survival Is For Cowards- Second Nature- Light Orange/100
5. The Casket Lottery- Real Fear- No Sleep Records- Translucent Light Blue/300
6. The Casket Lottery- Moving Mountains- Second Natue- Clear/white swirl/100
7. The Casket Lottery- Choose Bronze- Second Nature- White/110
8. The Casket Lottery- The Door 7"- No Sleep Records- seafoam green/300
9. The Casket Lottery/Touché Amorè 7"- No Sleep Records- transparent pink/500
10. Nathan Ellis- S/T 7"- No Sleep Records- opaque blue/300
11. The Casket Lottery- Quarters Volume 2- Atarms Mechanics- Clear Blue/???
12. The Casket Lottery/Hot Water Music 7"- Second Nature- Pink/253
13. The Casket Lottery/Waxwing 7"- Second Nature- Purple/211( Numbered #1369)
14. The Casket Lottery/Reflector 7"- Undecided Records- black/
15. The Casket Lottery/Reflector 7"- unknown- black/50 (Casket Lottery/Reflector "tour" version)
16. The Casket Lottery- Lost At Sea 7"- Status- brown/white marble/250
Thats it! I have incluced the Nathan Ellis 7" just to round things out. If anything, the only thing thats missing here is the project Nathan has done called Jackie Carol. Not positive if the "Check Check" release ever made it to vinyl. Thanks for looking!
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