The Telegraph is a record store in New London, CT. Now if you are familiar with New London at all, I know you're probably saying "what? theres a record store there?". Trust me, I said the same thing, but yes, there is! New London to me has always been that sketchy port city an hour away from my home that I would drive to and go see sketchy hardcore shows at the sketchy venue called the El-N-Gee. It has always been that and nothing more. Time changes things, everything. After many years the El-N-Gee shut down and stopped hosting shows. To later re-open as a dance club that tried to reclaim some old fame and book hardcore shows once more. However the scene had changed. People and bands changed and it was a change for the worse. Didn't quite pan out. I attended a few of those shows while it was a dance club but nothing spectacular and it closed yet again. To then AGAIN re-open as El-N-Gee. I have no idea what goes on there now.
With new friends that I have made, I have come hip to this new place. From my understanding they have been there for the better part of a year or more. I have had the pleasure to visit once already and plan to visit more every few months or so. Very good atmosphere, nicely done and set up, great stock of all kinds of records new and old. Lost of stuff up my alley. Most of all, good people.
This picture is something they posted about 5 hours ago and to me it is extremely amazing. To me it captures someones dream come alive. The Before is an idea, an attempt, a blank canvas in which to make whatever you want possible. The after being just that. A barren shell. A white wasteland of boring and dull. Turned into something bright, full of life and sound. In argument something a record store should essentially be. I think the store came out excellent. Hard work and creativity can pay off!
From what I was told, even though I cannot speak for the owner(s) operator(s) of The Telegraph, I believe that they are trying to offer more to that "sketchy port city" and offer some sense of a community. Running a business is tough and in my opinion I think New London would be a hard place to do it but if things are happening, people are showing up, local businesses communicates with local businesses, things can take off. It seems to be working for the most part. Nothing too crazy but the beginning is just happening now. I'm sure there is only better things to come.
I wish the Telegraph many years of business, experiences and accomplishments to be conquered. I look forward to popping in again soon!
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