My recent score was from a band called Frontier(s). A band you may not have heard of but a band who is fronted by former Elliott singer Chris Higdon. Naturally being a large Elliott fan and with my recent re-introduction to collecting records again I had to pick up these releases to fill out my Elliott collection.
I did not have a record player upon the release of these records so sadly I thought I missed out when I started searching around to try to find some copies on ebay. Until I randomly checked No Sleep Records webstore and saw that they actually had color copies left. Which I swore they sold out of a while ago. Not only that but they were in the sale section. Heres the thing, you could have either purchased the 2 separately for a total of $12 or If you pay attention closely you will see when you add an item(either the 7" first or the LP) there is a package deal available for those 2 releases specifically. So long story short, I got the Frontier(s) 7" The Plains & their full length "There Will be No Miracles Here" for a total of $7!
Im a happy camper.
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