There's this social networking site out there called Twitter. Have you heard of it? Well, if you haven't, I'm really interested as to where you live.
If you have it and use it, then you're probably guilty of following a "Celebrity" or two. Come on, don't lie. Now whats the best reward that you can think of when following a celebrity? Hoping that they will respond to something you've said at them. Whether you admit it or not, that burning desire is there and one day, you hope it will be fulfilled.
Well, I personally don't like celebrities nor do I follow any. Well, I follow one. AND GUESS WHO REPLIED BACK!?

I'll totally take posting wrong information for a reply back from Louis CK! He's my favorite person. I have all his DVD's and also plan on seeing him live next time he comes around on a comedy tour.
He has a new show on FX coming out called LOUIE that I am very excited for. Lucky Louie sadly only made it 1 season on HBO before it got canceled. So to see him back doing something is awesome. Check it out next week!