I had an excellent time last night, getting to go to the Rockstar Engery drink Mayhem Festival for not only one night,but last night was the 2nd time I got to go! August 5th was Mansfield MA, this date was in Hartford CT. Since i started this blog, i brought my camera to take some shots of some things.
None of the "shots" are that good,i dont take picutres! especially the Slipknot ones, i wasnt sure if one of their dudes on the crew said "no cameras" or "all cameras face forward" meaning like,no backline shots or whatever, so i was rather quick with anything i took,meaning BLURRY, but you get the idea, and its still awesome.
theres a lot i took,but heres just some. mainly of dustins C & C kit and the knot.
Dustins rig: easily the MOST ridiculous kick drums i have ever heard. i got to play them for a hot moment and seriously...they sounded SO amazing. had a slight click to them, were loud as fuck,it sounded like they were miced already....you had to be there,i was screaming like a girl "THEY SOUND SOOOO GOOOODDD AAAHHHH!"
Dustins custom hand done finish came out awesome too:
CAST IRON SNARE! this probably is the heaviest snare in existance. mainly because it was cut out of a piece of gigantic pipe that would be going in the earth to serve some sort of purpose for man kind. i think dustin said C & C got it from some iron company in like philly or something. all the lug holes were like laser cut and shit. it is also probably the loudest snare in existance. it surprisingly dosent sound too bad either.
aaron shredding during Underoath. im not too into the sound of his drums,since he went with the vintage thing,but they look hot.
now for the knot! At the Mansfield date,we got to watch from the sound board. THIS time I got to watch from the side of the stage. IT WAS AWESOME! YEAH, JOEYS RIG LETS HIS DRUMS TILT TOTALLY FORWARD,THEN SPIN....OUT OF CONTROL!
I took some pictures today at practice. i dont have any pictures of my drums anyway,i did at one time, now i dont, figured id take some today.
heres some shots of my rig:
through the control room window:
oh and heres a shot of Toms what i've dubbed "shredals"
They arent much, but they are all ive got right now! maybe one day ill have a sweet as custom! even if i dont ever get them for cheap or free...ill have atleast ONE sooner or later!
lugs and kick drum claws will be FLAT GREY powder coated.
the Hoops will be CHROME BLUE powder coated.
the spurs,tom mount,floor crade and legs will be CHROME RED powder coated.
the kit itself will just be gloss white.
and for the kicker..a custom full moon kick drum head. with that large dark cradder spot on the moon being the spot where i place my port hole.
i might change the snare up a bit and not coordinate it with the kit. theres not much red in it,so i might make the snare have red hoops,blue lugs, i dont know yet. ill figure that out when it comes time.
This came in the mail the other day. Its a Charles Bukowski print that Matt Brotka made. I'm totally in love with it! Bukowski is a dude ive been WAY into since being introduced to him about 8 months ago from my sister. So when I saw that Matt had made up some prints, I obviously picked one up! The only problem I have now is finding a place to put it! I dont know of any place right now, Bummed!
If youd like one for yourself,go to Matts page and grab one! They are limited!
ive told this one to basically EVERYONE. i kind of have my hopes set on it, though ill most likely have to settle for something else until and if i even ever get some sort of Drum sponsor/endorsement.
HELLO! so i decided to get a Blog. Keep up with the times as well as friends. i have no real idea as to what to do with this..well,thats kind of a lie.
i also decided to use my old livejournal to still complain about life and other things that are rather ridiculous and unneeded to even complain about and use this blog as a interesting insiteful tool to post things i like,enjoy,do, inspire,maybe even love, etc.
as for my plan for this,its A LOT easier to archive things and find them,LJ is harder. i mainly plan on using this to post my drum ideas,drum related things, shows i go to,drums i find,cool things i want, etc. i guess a more musical thing.
i dont know much about this,its all so new! so things arent set as far as layout and info and stuff like that, as i learn and discover,things will change.
friends,add me. ill figure out how to add you later.