So here is the story. A week or so ago I shot a tweet over at Josh Berwanger of an old flyer that was in my Anniversary/Get Up Kids split. Its original purpose was for you to sign up for the Anniversary mailing list/an ad for "Designing A Nervous Breakdown". On the front of this flyer it reads "send in this flyer for a free button". As a joke I had asked if I could possibly still get this free button. Josh replyed and requested my address. This envelope arrived not long after our exchange. Not a button but something that is just as cool, a large Anniversary sticker from "Your Majesty"! Super cool and unexpected, so thank you Josh!
Before you start thinking that I am special or anything just know that you too could get a postcard or letter from Josh. Get in touch in the various possible ways that are out there, he is open to sending postcards to those who want one! Postcards are also good for deals on merch, etc at any of his shows. So check up on dates and go have a beer!
Being on the road usually means one thing. Yes, Josh has a new record out. It was released October of last year and is titled "Strange Stains". Available on Itunes and from Good Land Records